
AI Art Evaluation Platform

The AdvantISS team delivered an AI-powered platform to a consulting firm specializing in the art market. It includes the evaluation of art objects with advanced neural networks and an up-to-date art market database.


Our client was a consulting firm that focused on assisting in the art market. They cater to researchers, buyers from large enterprises, and independent collectors who seek reliable and accurate evaluations of art objects.

9 months - MVP Development

Project duration


Client requirements

Traditional methods of art object evaluation relied heavily on subjective expert opinions, leading to inconsistencies and potential biases in assessments. Additionally, accessing up-to-date market data was cumbersome and time-consuming, hindering the accuracy of evaluations. 

This lack of efficiency and reliability in the evaluation process often resulted in suboptimal decision-making for researchers, buyers, and collectors alike.


Both web and mobile apps for client’s company employees


Automated evaluation of art objects, including paintings, drawings, collectible stamps, and wines


Show historical and recent prices and facts about objects


Integration of art market databases from various auctions 


Ability to save preferences for customized searches


Reports on a single art object evaluation and collections


Built-in camera and ability to upload photos of objects


Ability to transfer to SaaS

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Neural Network Evaluation
Art Market Database
Accuracy Assurance
Personalized User Profiles
Evaluation History and Reporting
Multi-Platform Access

Neural Network Evaluation: The platform utilizes a neural network capable of recognizing and evaluating various types of art objects, including paintings, drawings, collectible stamps, and wines. This neural network enables automated and independent evaluations.

Built-in Camera: With built-in camera functionality and the ability to upload photos, users can easily capture and input images of art objects directly into the platform for instant evaluation.

Art Market Database: The platform incorporates an art market database that continuously updates and cross-checks information from various sources, including other platforms and auctions. This database ensures access to the most current and reliable market data. The integration with multiple auction databases allows users to view historic and recent prices, as well as relevant facts about the art objects.

Accuracy Assurance: The platform guarantees a high level of accuracy, with discrepancies between the platform’s assessments and expert opinions limited to a maximum of 5 percent in complex categories and typically less than 1 percent. This accuracy is achieved through advanced machine learning algorithms and continuous improvements based on user feedback and new data sources.

User Profiles: Users can create personalized profiles tailored to their specific preferences and interests, allowing for customized recommendations and insights based on their collecting or research goals.

Evaluation History and Reporting: The platform maintains a detailed history of past evaluations. Users can track changes in the value or authenticity of art objects over time. Additionally, the platform offers comprehensive reporting capabilities.

Multi-Platform Access: The platform is available as both a web application and a mobile app, ensuring that users can access its features from any device.


1 Project Manager
1 Data Scientists/ML Engineer
1 DevOps Engineer
1 UI/UX Designer
4 Software Developers
2 Mobile App Developers
2 QA Engineers


Interested in seeing our solution in action? Feel free to inquire!


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Evaluation Accuracy

Discrepancies between automated evaluations and expert opinions were reduced to a maximum of 5% in complex categories, typically less than 1%.

Time Efficiency

Automated evaluations reduced assessment time by 19%, enabling instant evaluations via image uploads.

Data Integration

Integrated data from over 45 auction houses provided access to historical and recent prices and facts.

Transparent History

Maintained a detailed evaluation history, increasing transparency and accountability.

Client Trust

Improved service quality led to 93% client trust and satisfaction, reinforcing the firm’s leadership in the art market.